
Food on a stick

sawadee ka (hello in thai) to everyone!

We are in Bangkok and what a wild ride it was to get to here. After a long-haul of thirty-plus hours, we arrived at a guesthouse called Cozy Bangkok Place (www.cozybangkok.com) and went to bed around four in the morning local time. ouch. Since arriving, our senses have been bombarded and overwhelmed by everything. The air is so dirty you can see clouds of pollution blow down the sidewalks and between the cars and tuk-tuks (3-wheeled motorcycle taxis) on the busy streets. There are street vendors all over and it's pretty hard to determine what the food is they are actually selling. Just about any food you can think of can be found on a stick. Today we are moving to a guesthouse near the infamous Koh San Road where all of the backpackers/white people like us are--it's pretty wild. Loud techno and American pop-music blair out of speakers at small clothing stalls. All of the white travellers can be found within this three-block radius whereas, in the rest of the city, there are very few to be seen.

Tomorrow night we are catching the night train to the northern city of Chiang Mai where we will then catch a truck that will take us up to the Panya Project Ecovillage (see link on side of page). We hope to be helping out up there for a few days, but we'll just have to see how it goes. Life is very in-the-moment--not quite sure what will happen next so we're pretty much along for the ride. Culture-shock and jet-lag are still with us, but through that fog we are discovering a totally different culture on the other side of the world. We are so glad we're here, but it's a shocking start.

That's all for now.

Cailin and Misra


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're getting started on your trip. I hadn't thought of 'US Town' in other countries, but I guess I grew up with Little Tokyo and China Town in LA, so its not that surprising now that you mention it. Good luck on your trip. I hope you can find some good food on a stick :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Misra and Calin,
I'm going to give this blog thing another try. Hope you two are doing well in Chiang Mai, if that is where you still are. I'm enjoying my little surfing expeditions to Thailand so that I can perhaps see some of the sites/sights you have seen. Chiang Mai looks fantastic, though I'm sure your seeing things no one would put on the internet. Have you climbed Doi Inthanon yet? It looks to be as high up as Nederland. Unfortunately, snow boarding rental web sites are few... actually they don't exist, but don't let that stop u from sliding around in the jungle!

Can't wait to hear about your adventures! Love, ub

Anonymous said...

dont get raped or killed. lol
but hey, a little pain might help you guys get real
too bad you're missing x mas

Anonymous said...

Would love to here how your time in Chiang Mai has been. Too much time between entries to follow you vicariously. Want to hear your outragous adventures
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey U 2,
Ten days is way too long for some people to nourish themselves with "food on a stick." It makes one wish for 'other' tidbits (hint, hint). Besides their isn't much substance on a stick. What's the deal? How about a real meal... not to be confused with "the real deal meal" at some fast food establishments? love,ub